The only file that you have to edit is the manifest.json file.

	"name" : "vB 4 Mobile",
	"short_name" : "vB4Mobile",
	"scope" : "/",
	"display" : "standalone",
	"start_url" : "/",
	"theme_color" : "#7192a8",
	"description" : "vBulletin 4 Mobile, Responsive and PWA",
	"orientation" : "any",
	"background_color" : "#7192a8",
	"icons": [
		  "src": "/images/vBlogo.png",
		  "type": "image/png",
		  "sizes": "512x512"

All fields are self-explanatory. name, short_name, description, theme_color, background_color. For the icon, upload at least one square image of size 512x512 and update "src" field by replacing "/images/vBlogo.png" with the path to your own logo image.

For information on how to write manifest.json, visit

If you are using Web Push notifications add-on, then you will also have "gcm_sender_id" field at the end.